Channel 3 Project

The Channel 3 Project

This project originally came from a Linkup Protocol used by several individuals and disaster preparedness Retreat Groups to be used in case of a real-world emergency when normal communications are unavailable.

Since the average citizen is NOT an Amateur Radio operator, we wanted to have a standardized method of being able to communicate with one another.  Nearly everyone in our circle had at least one form of communication requiring no license to operate, such as CB, FRS/GMRS, or MURS radios.  Because this link-up protocol is being distributed among various circles,  if someone needed assistance they had the highest probability of linking up with someone of like-mind, even if the two parties did not personally know each other prior that moment.

The video to the left gives a good explanation of how the CH 3 project works. At the time this was created GMRS was not being used. It has now been incorporated since the GMRS band shares the same frequencies. 

The advantage of GMRS is:
1. You can have a base station and an external antenna.

2. You can run up to 50 watts of power

3. You can get a ten-year license WITHOUT taking any test.

4. It is a family license. Your entire family can operate on your license.


CB                             3            26.985 MHz

FRS/GMRS                3            462.6125 Mhz

MURS                        3            151.940 Mhz

Do NOT use sub-channels (or “privacy” codes)

We offer training on how to effectively use your radio in a non-ham environment.

If you are a newbie, I suggest you read the post at AmRRON “Prepper Radio Communication 101” to gain some basic understanding.